Comité paritaire d'installation d'équipement pétrolier du Québec

Registration for direct deposit for the payment of annual leave compensation (vacation check) is now available. Click the Direct Deposit button on this same page to be redirected to the registration page. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or problems with the process. Thanks


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Reprehenderit cillum nostrud dolore velit dolor et incididunt irure nulla cillum irure sit. Reprehenderit tempor pariatur minim aliqua dolore mors principium est.

Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus, tortor neque egestas auguae, eu vulputate magna eros eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam dui mi, tincidunt quis, accumsan porttitor, facilisis luctus, metus.

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